World Wide Web Links

Advanced Biochemistry Fall Term, 1998


Class Recomendations and descriptions from PS #1 are listed below.

Directories & Search Facilities

Yahoo (Indices of everything with daily updates).
Lycos Home Page (Hunting WWW Information; Searches everything).

Alta Vista (Another excellent WWW search engine).
Try a Simple Query using Alta Vista from this page:
Search and Display the Results

The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Biology.
Pedro's BioMolecular Research Tools (Huge collection of WWW links).

Structure & Sequence Databases

PDB WWW Server (Protein structures in PDB format).
NDB HTTP Server (DNA and RNA structures in PDB format).
Klotho (Biochemical compounds database; view small molecules using RasMac).
National Center for Biotechnology Information (Lists many databases including GenBank).

Molecular Modeling & Graphics

Molecular Models for Biochemistry at Carnegie Mellon.
RasMol (Links to the uses of RasMol and other free molecular visualization resources).
Kinemage Files (for the Branden and Tooze book, Introduction to Protein Structure).

Journals & Societies

Protein Science  (View or download Kinemages published in this journal).
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  (Browse and search the text and figures of recent issues).
Journal of Biological Chemistry  
Journal of Molecular Biology   (Abstracts in HTML; articles in PDF).
Nucleic Acids Research   (and other Oxford University Press publications).
Science  (Home Page for American Association for the Advancement of Science).
Nature   (TOC's and abstracts of current articles).
American Chemical Society (Publications Division).
American Society for Microbiology (TOC's for J. Bact. , Mol. & Cell. Biol., and others).

Miscellany & More Software Tools

Yellow BAGI (a "yellow pages" for biological software available on the Internet).
CMU Biological Sciences Front Door with links to Departmental activities.
American Universities (A directory).
BIOSCI/bionet Electronic Newsgroup Network (a set of electronic communication forums).
NIH Home Page (Activities of the outfit that pays most of the bills).



Class Recommendations as of Sept. 14, 1998

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Last modified September 14, 1998