Mutations in GroEL - Page 1

Residues 1 - 237

NOTE: Residue numbering includes N-terminal Met. Mutations are listed in sequence order (1-548).




A3SIncreased cooperativity of ATP hydrolysis
Decreased GroEL stability


K4EDissociation of oligomer


K4IDecreased GroEL stability


K4RDecreased GroEL stability


R13GDecrease in ATPase activity


R13G/A126VDecrease in ATPase activity


D25RDecrease in OTC refolding; Small colonies of LG6 strain


F44ADecrease in ATPase activity; No growth of LG6 strain


G45EDecrease in OTC refolding; Small colonies of LG6 strain


S55ENo effect detected


K65ENo effect detected


E76KNo effect detected


D87KDecreased GroES binding; Decreased OTC folding (no release)
No growth of LG6 strain


D87EDecreased ATP hydrolysis; Decreased polypeptide binding
Decreased Rubisco refolding


D87NDecreased GroES binding; Decreased OTC folding (no release)
No growth of LG6 strain


A96ENo effect detected


V107ENo effect detected


I150ENo ATPase, No GroES binding, No OTC refolding (no release)
No growth of LG6 strain


S151VNo ATPase, No GroES binding, No OTC refolding (no release)
No growth of LG6 strain


A152ENo ATPase, No GroES binding, No OTC refolding (no release)
Tiny colonies in LG6 strain


D196ANo effect detected


R197ANo effect detected


R197ADecreased positive cooperativity in ATP hydrolysis
Strong substrate (ATP) inhibition


Y199ENo GroES binding, No OTC binding, No growth of LG6 strain


L200ENo effect detected


S201EDecreased OTC binding, Decreased OTC refolding
No growth of LG6 strain


S201FDecreased ATPase activity, Decreased GroES binding
Decrease in GroEL stability


Y203ENo GroES binding, No OTC binding, No growth of LG6 strain


F204ENo GroES binding, No OTC binding, Tiny colonies in LG6 strain


K225ESmall colonies in LG6 strain


I227SNo effect detected


I230SNo effect detected


L234EDecreased ATPase, No GroES binding
No OTC binding, No growth of LG6 strain


L237ENo GroES binding, No OTC binding, No growth of LG6 strain


This information is accurate to the best of my knowledge. However, you should check the references cited for a more complete understanding of these mutations and their effects.


  1. Fenton et al (1994) Nature371:614-619.
  2. Yifrach et al (1994) J. Mol. Biol. 243:397-401.
  3. Baneyx & Gatenby (1992) J. Biol. Chem. 267:11637-11644.
  4. Weiss & Goloubinoff (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270:13956-13960.
  5. Horovitz et al (1993) J. Mol. Biol. 231:58-64.
  6. Horovitz et al (1993) J. Biol. Chem. 268:9957-9959.

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