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Set Display                                Syntax:   set display selected
                                                                    set display normal

   This command controls the display mode within RasMol. By default, set display normal, RasMol displays the molecule in the representation specified by the user. The command set display selected changes the display mode such that the molecule is temporarily drawn so as to indicate the currently selected portion of the molecule. The user specified color scheme and representation remains unchanged. In this representation all selected atoms are shown in yellow and all non-selected atoms are shown in blue. The color of the background is also changed to a dark grey to indicate the change of display mode. This command is typically only used by external Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs).
Set FontSize                              Syntax:   set fontsize {<value>}
   The RasMol set fontsize command is used to control the size of the characters that form atom labels. This value corresponds to the height of the displayed character in pixels. The maximum value of fontsize is 32 pixels; the default value is 8 pixels. To display atom labels on the screen use the RasMol label command and to change the color of displayed labels, use the color labels command.
Set HBonds                                 Syntax:   set hbonds backbone
                                                                           set hbonds sidechain
   The RasMol hbonds parameter determines whether hydrogen bonds are drawn between the donor and acceptor atoms of the hydrogen bond, set hbonds sidechain; or between the alpha carbon atoms of the protein backbone and between the phosphorus atoms of the nucleic acid backbone, set hbonds backbone. The actual display of hydrogen bonds is controlled by the hbonds command. Drawing hydrogen bonds between protein alpha carbons or nucleic acid phosphorus atoms is useful when the rest of the molecule is shown in only a schematic representation such as backbone, ribbons or strands. This parameter is similar to the RasMol ssbonds parameter.
Set Hetero                                   Syntax:   set hetero <boolean>
   The RasMol hetero parameter is used to modify the 'default' behavior of the RasMol select command, i.e. the behavior of select without any parameters. When this value is false, the default select region does not include any heterogenous atoms (refer to the predefined set hetero ). When this value is true, the default select region may contain hetero atoms. This parameter is similar to the RasMol hydrogen parameter, which determines whether hydrogen atoms should be included in the default set. If both hetero and hydrogen are true,select without any parameters is equivalent to select all.
Set HourGlass                                   Syntax:   set hourglass <boolean>
   The RasMol hourglass parameter allows the user to enable and disable the use of the 'hour glass' cursor used by RasMol to indicate that the program is currently busy drawing the next frame. The command set hourglass on enables the indicator, whilst set hourglass off prevents RasMol from changing the cursor. This is useful when spinning the molecule, running a sequence of commands from a script file or using interprocess communication (IPC) to execute complex sequences of commands. In these cases a 'flashing' cursor may be distracting.
Set Hydrogen                                   Syntax:   set hydrogen <boolean>
   The RasMol hydrogen parameter is used to modify the 'default' behavior of the RasMol select command, i.e. the behavior of select without any parameters. When this value is false, the default select region does not include any hydrogen or deuterium atoms (refer to the predefined set hydrogen ). When this value is true, the default select region may contain hydrogen atoms. This parameter is similar to the RasMol hetero parameter which determines whether heterogenous atoms should be included in the default set. If both hydrogen and hetero are true,select without any parameters is equivalent to select all.

Set Kinemage                                   Syntax: set kinemage <boolean>
   The RasMol set kinemage command controls the amount of detail stored in a Kinemage output file generated by the RasMol write kinemage command. The output kinemage files are intended to be displayed by David Richardson'sMAGE program [5]. set kinemage false, the default, only stores the currently displayed representation in the generated output file. The command set kinemage true, generates a more complex Kinemage that contains both the wireframe and backbone representations as well as the coordinate axes, bounding box, and crystal unit cell.
Set Menus                                   Syntax:   set menus <boolean>
   The RasMol set menus command enables the canvas window's menu buttons or menu bar. This command is typically only used by graphical user interfaces or to create as large an image as possible when using Microsoft Windows.
Set Monitor                                   Syntax:   set monitor on
                                                                           set monitor off

   The distance monitor labels may be turned off with the command set monitors off, and re-enabled with the command set monitors on.
Set Mouse                                   Syntax: set mouse rasmol
                                                                         set mouse insight
                                                                         set mouse quanta

   The RasMol set mouse command sets the rotation, translation, scaling and zooming mouse bindings. The default value is rasmol which is suitable for two-button mice (for three-button mice the second and third buttons are synonymous); X-Y rotation is controlled by the first button, and X-Y translation by the second. Additional functions are controlled by holding a modifier key on the keyboard. [Shift] and the first button performs scaling, [shift] and the second button performs Z-rotation, and [control] and the first mouse button controls the clipping plane. The insight and quanta provide the same mouse bindings as other packages for experienced users.
See Mouse Controls in the General Operation section for a table of mouse click-and-drag controls.
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