Back to TABLE OF CONTENTS         Netscape Navigation Notes
The RasMol 2.6 Manual can be displayed in a frames format with an Index frame at the left or in a single-page format without the Index frame. In both formats navigation links are found at the top and bottom of each frame (or page). Within each section, these links allow the user to return to the Table of Contents or to go to any other portion of that section. DownLoad.Carnegie Mellon University
Frames: One suggestion is to use the frames format until you are somewhat familiar with the content and layout of the Manual, i.e. the Index frame can be useful in navigating after following links that take you to (several) different sections. (Also note that you can go back to previous frames by holding the mouse down and choosing "back" from the pop-up menu.) The Index frame width can be resized by placing the mouse on the border and dragging left or right.
No Frames: The other suggestion is to dispense with the frames format altogether and navigate to specific topics from the Table of Contents. This mode is probably better if you are using the Manual for reference while manipulating a model in RasMol's windows. The Netscape window can then be adjusted to any convenient size (of course); and the relatively small file sizes allow quick loading of new pages.
Switching between formats: Since either can be preferable under different circumstances, the formats can be converted from one to the other with a click:
Frames: Add the Index frame to the left and go back to the Table of Contents frame.
No Frames: Remove the Index frame and go back to the Table of Contents page.
These options are also found at the top of the Table of Contents page (or frame).
Page Appearance: This Manual uses two different fonts and both are under your control in the Netscape General Preferences... menu under Options. In addition to this "Proportional Font", which is used for explanations, all of the RasMol commands and command arguments are in "Fixed Font", or <expression>. The Netscape default is 12pt Courier, but any other font and size combination can be selected to distinguish the explanations from the commands.
You can also specify the hypertext link colors. [And if you haven't already turned off the underlining of links, try it. This Manual (and everything else on the WWW) looks much cleaner without that default Netscape feature.]
Downloading this Manual to your computer for local use is recommended for convenience and faster operation. The Manual is available as single compressed files and as 33 text and nine GIF files, "RasFrames", as follows (A ReadMe file is also included that contains a portion of this page and other information):
1. Macintosh or Windows Users: The Manual was compressed with DropStuffTM 4.0. After unstuffing with StuffIt Expander, the resulting folder will have all of the files necessary to read the Manual.
Download the RasMol Manual for Mac or Windows with a click on: RasFrames.sit (126K).
2. Windows and UNIX Users: The Manual was compressed with ZipIt 1.3.1. Put the uncompressed files in the appropriate directory.
3. Download the RasMol Manual for Windows with a click on: RASFRAME.ZIP (126K).
4. The separate text files (470K) and both compressed files are also available by FTP at
When the Manual is on your computer disk in the appropriate folder/directory, open "ReadMe.html" in Netscape; click on the Frames or No Frames link; and set a Bookmark for future access to the Manual.
The "ReadMe.html" page should be consulted with every download because it is anticipated that revisions will be made in the future. These changes and the then current version date will be indicated.
The RasMol Quick Reference Card (23K) was updated to v2.6 and converted to a PDF document. On two pages, it provides a capsule description of the most important RasMol features. This is a particularly useful tool for experienced RasMol users who only need a terse reminder of how to operate on a model. If you have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader installed as a Netscape plug-in, you can view the card on a new page by clicking on: REFCARD.PDF. The sideways orientation of the card on the Netscape page is not too helpful-obviously! Instead, make a printed copy for future reference. Alternatively, an "Option-click" (or right button click) on the link will let you save the PDF file to your disk for future viewing or printing.
The RasMol v2.6a Quick Reference Guide was adapted from the Quick Reference Card by Dr. Duane Sears (UCSB); it is an all-HTML version of this information with additional tips and examples.