1CXF Glycosyltransferase date Jul 28, 1995
title Complex Of A (D229ne257q) Double Mutant Cgtase From Bacillus Circulans Strain 251 With Maltotetraose At 120 K And Ph 9.1 Obtained After Soaking The Crystal With Alpha-Cyclodextrin
authors R.M.A.Knegtel, B.Strokopytov, D.Penninga, O.G.Faber, H.J.Rozeboom, K.H.Kalk, L.Dijkhuizen, B.W.Dijkstra
compound source
Molecule: Cyclodextrin Glycosyltransferase
Chain: Null
Synonym: Cgtase
Engineered: Yes
Mutation: D229n, E257q
Heterogen: Maltose
Heterogen: Calcium
Heterogen: Maltotetraose
Organism_scientific: Bacillus Circulans
Strain: 251
Expression_system: Bacillus Circulans Strain Db104a
Expression_system_plasmid: Pdp66k-
symmetry Space Group: P 21 21 21 R_factor  
length a length b length c angle alpha angle beta angle gamma
116.840 110.000 67.420 90.00 90.00 90.00
method X-Ray Diffraction resolution 2.6 �
ligand MAL, ACX, CA, GLC
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