Lysozyme for Modern/Cell Biology
The Lysozyme-Substrate Complex.
The lysozyme molecule is shown using the Cartoon display. The Structure
coloring used above displays a-helices in magenta; b-strands in yellow; turns in blue; and "other" in white.
The tetrasaccharide substrate is shown as Spacefill with CPK coloring.
More than 100 water molecules are localized in this structure.
Viewing Tips:
Choose some of the other Display and Color selections from the Chime
menu with each of the substrate displays.
The substrate can be removed from the display by deselecting Display Hetero Atom
Groups under Options in the Chime menu.
Use the buttons to the right of the image to show only portions of the structure;
then use the Chime menu to display or color the molecule. The rotate buttons act on the
entire structure. Remove the distance monitors with a second click.
View another one-page display of these proteins: