ATP                                                                     DNA
Molecules for Modern/Cell Biology

The table lists the Figures or Panels in your textbooks where molecular structures are pictured. Interactive versions of these structures can be viewed by following the links indicated under Description.
Viewing Tips, below, for pointers on how to manipulate these images.
Biology, 4th Edition, by Solomon, Berg, Martin, and Villee.
Essential Cell Biology, by Alberts, Bray, Johnson, Lewis, Raff, Roberts, and Walter.

Solomon et al.Alberts et al.Description
Table 2-1Fig. 2-4 Elements
Fig. 2-14Panel 2-2 H2O cluster
Fig. 3-4 Enantiomers of glyceraldehyde
Table 3-1various Functional Groups
      Chime-Image Quiz on Functional Groups
  True-False Quiz on Functional Groups
Fig. 3-8Panel 2-3 Sucrose -> Fructose & Glucose
Fig. 3-12Panel 2-4 Fats: Glycerol & Fatty Acids
Fig. 3-13Panel 2-4 Phospholipid
Fig. 3-14Fig. 2-18 Membranes
Fig. 3-16Fig. 3-29 Cholesterol
Fig. 3-17Panel 2-5 Amino Acids & Peptides
Fig. 3-22Panel 5-2 a-Helix & b-Sheet in a Small Protein
Fig. 3-23Fig. 5-15 CAP (cAMP binding protein) & DNA
Fig. 3-24Fig. 5-16 Hemoglobin
Fig. 5-27 Lysozyme & substrate
Fig. 3-25Panel 2-6 DNA & RNA
Fig. 3-26Panel 2-6 Nucleotides: A, C, G, T, & U
Fig. 3-28Fig. 2-21 ATP
Fig. 3-29Panel 2-6 cAMP
Fig. 3-30Fig. 3-28 NAD+
Viewing Tips
The images displayed on this page and the links from it require the Chemscape Chime plug-in. All of the Macs and PCs in the CMU computer clusters have this plug-in installed. To see whether it is installed on your Mac, select "About Plugins..." under the menu.
In addition to simply displaying the molecular structures on a WWW page, the Chime plug-in allows the viewer to manipulate the image with pull-down menu choices, mouse and keyboard actions, and button-clicks. A demonstration of these additional features can be found at the Chime Features page. The Chime Viewer's Guide provides an outline summary of these mouse and keyboard controls.
CAUTION: The plug-in support and JavaScript that provides control functions for the above pages have not (yet) been implemented in Microsoft's Internet Explorer (v4.x). Netscape Navigator (v3.01 or v4.05) on either a Mac or PC is required for the time being.
The small molecules on these pages are shown with CPK atom coloring:
Carbon: gray
Oxygen: red
Hydrogen: white
Nitrogen: light blue
Sulfur: yellow
Phosphorus: orange
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Dr. William McClure
[email protected].
Department of Biological Sciences
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Last modified February 10, 2002.