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RasMol's Pull-Down Menu Selections
The brief descriptions and command line equivalents of the (Macintosh) pull-down
menu entries are linked to sections in the Manual that explain each term in detail
File entries are black when available; otherwise, gray. Open... same as Load a coordinate file from disk. Save As... same as Save the selected atoms to a file. Close same as Zap the current coordinate file so that another can be Opened. Page Setup... and Print are parameters for the local printer. (Make the background white for most B&W printers.) Quit same as Quit the RasMol program. |
Edit the Windows. Undo will reset the model to its original orientation. Copy puts the current image onto the clipboard. Paste text onto the Command Line, e.g. filename or script. Select All same as " select all" from the command line. |
Display the selected atoms as: Wireframe is the RasMol display on opening (loading). Backbone connects alpha-carbons in proteins and phosphorus atoms in nucleic acids. Sticks connects the atoms with wireframe80 cylinders. Spacefill displays atoms as Van der Waal's spheres. Ball & Stick is equivalent to wireframe40 and spacefill120. Ribbons draws a smooth solid ribbon surface along the backbone. Strands draws a smooth ribbon of five curves along the backbone. Cartoons draws thick spiral helices and deep beta-strands with arrowheads. |
Colours the selected atoms by: Monochrome: colors the selection white. CPK: default element colors on opening (loading) a file. Shapely: color scheme for groups of amino acids (and nucleosides). Group: spectrum from blue (N-terminus) to red (C-terminus). Chain: colors each polypeptide or polynucleotide separately. Temperature: spectrum from blue (low) to red (high) for B-factors. Structure: distinct colors for helices, sheets, turns, and "other". User: atom colors (non-standard) defined in the coordinate file. |
Options are enabled when checked, e.g.Hetero Atoms here. Slab Mode enables slabbing (with slab value of 50). Hydrogens toggles set hydrogen on, or off. Hetero Atoms toggles set hetero on, or off. Specular toggles set specular on, or off. Shadows toggles set shadow on, or off. Stereo toggles set stereo viewing on, or off. Labels puts residue names and numbers on the selected atoms. |
Export is the same as write <format> <filename>. GIF: CompuServe GIF format. PostScript: Colour, Mono, andVector formats. PPM: Raw or TextPortable Pixmap formats. Sun Raster or RLE Sun Raster formats. BMP: Microsoft BMP format. PICT: Apple's PICT Image format. |
Windows are active when checked, e.g.Command Line here. Main Window (a.k.a. "display", "image", or "canvas" window.) Command Line displays information and takes commands at the rasmol> prompt. |
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